Birth Bag – Teaching Ideas for Antenatal Classes

The Birth Bag – Teaching ideas for your antenatal classes. As a birth worker, doula, midwife, student midwife or perinatal educator we aim to prepare expectant parents for their birth experience. Part of their birth experience is packing their birth bag aka hospital bag.

Birth Bag – Teaching Ideas for in-person Antenatal Classes

Show and tell

Simply ask every family to bring in up to 3 items each for their birth bag to the next class. During the “show and tell” ask them to share their item and why they chose it.


Split the class into similar-sized groups. If I am facilitating classes for couples, I split into two/four groups separating birthing mothers/parents from their birth partners. I ask them to write down and/or draw items they’d like to take with them for the birth. Then we have a list for birthing mothers and folks as well as a separate list for birth partners! If you prefer not to use paper and pens or would like to use this as a homework or pre-course task, you could use mentimeter (see above) instead.


Do a paperchase. Split the group into three groups. Have three sets of flipchart paper & pens available. I like to draw the outline of a suitcase on mine and add a header i.e. birthing mother/parent, birth partner or baby. Each group will brainstorm for their sheet for x minutes (I give them 2 minutes). Then they move on to the next one and add to it for two minutes and then move again to the last one.

Birth Bag – Teaching Ideas for Virtual Antenatal Classes

Hospital Bag / Birth bag Scavenger hunt

A good old scavenger hunt to explore possible contents of a birth bag! This not only helps your clients think about what they need and what they would like, but also gets them off their seats/butts during a virtual antenatal course! I like to include this as part of the break. Mainly to encourage clients to move… To do so I share my screen with a short list of things which may be useful for their birth experience. I ask my clients to grab a drink, snack and go to the toilet and bring as many things as possible back to the screen within 15 minutes.

You can find my very long birth bag list in one of my other blog posts. Select a few items from this list or write your own short list!

birth bag - teaching ideas


To create a birth bag wordsearch is another way of creating some engagement during your online classes. I create my wordsearches on my husband’s website. I integrate my wordsearch into my powerpoint slides and ask parents-to-be to annotate the slides with their findings.

birth bag teaching ideas virtual antenatal classes

We then discuss what they would add/remove from their birth bag.

Quick competition – show and tell

Similar to the scavenger hunt, I like to integrate this as part of one of my clients’ breaks. It is way too easy to just stay sat where you are while you are on an online course or workshop, so this is another teaching idea to get your clients moving and engaged in the topic!

I like to ask every couple/client/expecting family to think about what they may need during the birth of their baby or babies. Each participants gets ask to bring back 3 items to the screen. Three items per person, items which may be helpful to themselves, NOT their partner.

This is often the first time when birth partners realise, that they need to look after themselves, too and may need some comfort items.


Set up a wordcloud on mentimeter and ask your clients to add their preferred items/essentials to the list. A very engaging, fun and visual way to create a birth bag/hospital bag list with your clients. It’s anonymous and fun! You can save the results as a picture or pdf afterwards and send them out as a reminder/handout.

an example of mentimeter wordcloud results

How do you facilitate the topic of birth bags during your childbirth preparation classes? Please comment with your ideas or share them in an email with me!

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